What is the part-of-speech of "Google" in "Google Maps" or "Google Books"?

2010-02-28 3:08 pm
What is the part-of-speech of "Google" in "Google Maps" or "Google Books"?


回答 (2)

2010-02-28 3:53 pm
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"Google Books" isn't a sentence, so they're not going to follow all of the grammatical rules. So it's a part of the subject, meaning both Google and Books are the subject (2-word subject). It's not perfect grammar, but whatever
2010-02-28 3:41 pm
Google is a search engine, maps and books are a branch of this directed from google, where your search only results in books and maps

Google is possibly from the word Googol, which is a number!

if thats what you meant??

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