14歲男孩 - 暑期英國遊

2010-03-01 3:42 am
經英國朋友提議下, 希望今年暑假10/7 ~ 26/8 讓囝囝自行到英國找他, 該他學好英文及獨立性. 因他未嘗過獨自外出, 我有很多事情都不懂, 希望有人可以給予意見及教我點樣做, 例如: 何時book 機票 (hkd > gla 朋友話最好選荷航) , 那裡book機票, 何時對匯英磅及有什麼地方要留意. 盼賜教!

不是夏令營, 是獨自去英國找叔叔, 會住在Glosgow叔叔家. 他很有興趣自己去, 膽量大.


多謝回覆. 有沒有可靠旅行社資料提供book 機票之用? 是否機票一出, 不能取消?

回答 (2)

2010-03-01 4:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
7月8月係旅遊旺季, 你最好早D(而家)去旅行社訂機票, 但要去有信用嘅旅行社。

2010-02-28 20:40:13 補充:
小孩不適宜攜帶大量現金, 你可以電匯英鎊給你朋友供他使用, 你去銀行, 就會有人教你點匯錢。

2010-02-28 20:46:16 補充:
如果提供他住食的是朋友, 記得計算你孩子在別人家的使用,付出金錢。

2010-03-04 07:52:18 補充:
買咗機票在一定嘅時間內(譬如一個月內)退票,係可以全數退回票款, 但每間航空公司可能條例唔同, 你可以在買票時問旅行社。

2010-03-04 07:53:05 補充:
2010-03-01 3:52 am
I'm studying in UK at the moment and I've been to summer camps in England before. I don't think that these camps will be able to improve someone's English, because the people who are also at the camp are not native speakers themselves, (students from portugal, spain and japan, apart from the teachers of course). And the cost is definitely not worth it, however if you really want to send your son to a summer camp that will improve his English, I suggest that you send him to a camp where they live at a host family's home, that will encourage him to speak English, to approach English culture and to be comfortable with the English language. I think that if you book the tickets yourself, it will be very expensive, so I suggest you to go to agencies that provide oversea summer camps, they will arrange everything for you.

Hope this helped

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