慢慢就識左佢 佢add左我facebook同msn
因為我地住得好近 我地會系果公園到放狗
一路watch住個sunset,我個陣以為佢會kiss我 因為我覺得佢都鐘意我 不過佢冇
我地連valentines day都會一齊放狗
我上年都有拍過幾次拖though I love my boyfriends, I couldn't stop thinking about him once I broke up with them佢都有不過都系好快就散
我上年september去左外國讀書佢都有send sms同wall post 比我 話佢會掛住我同埋我返hongkong要搵佢
We hung out for a few times during the summer and he always seem to be so shy and embarrassed around me. I always show him little signs that I like him when we go out and he blushed when our hands accidentally touched. he used to always be the first one to talk to me on msn during the first few months he added my msn, but now he never talks to me first on msn and he takes a long time to reply my wall posts on facebook. I'm going back for easter and he says that he's looking forward to meet me.
should I 表白?
is it weird for girls to 表白?
thanks for reading :) advice would be much appreciated x