please edit this for 10 pointss...?

2010-02-28 2:48 am
In every year, there are a lot of music events going on at_______________School and each music event has its own genre of music. For example, there is the battle of the band which is a rock night that is usually supported by the students and music night which happens twice a year where classical music is performed. On February 25th, the Chamber Night was proudly presents by students from __________ who are talented in strings instruments, flute, and vocal.

Last but not least, Jim and Susan did the last performance for Chamber Night. They chose to do the “Introduction & tarantella” by P. Sarasate. Susan was on the piano while Jim was playing violin on the stage. They had a great choice of music which two different taste and tempo music are accumulated in one song. At first, the introduction was peaceful and quite when the piano played the main part. As they kept playing, the music gradually changed to a fast tempo which created an intense mood. Jim had fast bowing, yet hit the right notes which impressed a lot of audiences. From their great performance, they were like telling a story through music which was really excellent.

回答 (3)

2010-02-28 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Rawr xD OK Here I kinda edited for you, but I'm just warning you, I changed A LOT of stuff. Here are some tips for starters:

- Never say "usually" : "There is the battle of the band which is a rock night that is USUALLY supported..." I know, I know, I'm being a bit critical but in an article you always have to be absolutely sure.
- No did xD "Jim and Susan DID the last performance..." go search on a thesaurus is you are having writer's block but never ever say did :P
- Ooooh audience not audiences xD "Which impressed a lot of AUDIENCES"

Anyways here we go, don't feel afraid to change up mine again cause again, I changed a lot of stuff. And sorry for being so over-critical, I sound like a teacher xD

In every year at ______ School, there are many musical performances, each of which have their own unique style. For instance, take Battle of the Bands, a night dedicated to rock that is supported by _____ School’s own students. Or music night, which happens twice a year, this is a night where Classical music thrives and is appreciated. But one night to remember is defiantly, February 25th, the Chamber Night, accompanied with many of ______’s students who are talented in string instruments, flute and vocal.

Jim and Susan, ______’s very own musicians, preformed lastly for Chamber Night. They chose to do the “Introduction and Tarantella” by P. Sarasate. Susan accompanied Jim playing an extraordinary duet, Susan on the piano, Jim on the violin, creating one song using two different tastes and tempo of music! At first, the introduction was peaceful and quiet, Susan taking the lead on the piano. As the song developed the song gradually changed, setting a fast tempo, creating an intense mood. All the audience could do was stare in awe as Jim soared through the song, yet never missed a note. The performance had its ups and downs, the music speaking for itself as if telling us a story. One of the night’s best show, saved for last to make Chamber Night truly unforgettable.
參考: Pro editing skills xD JKSS LOL
2016-10-30 6:00 pm
i admire doing that stuff! there could be diverse the thank you to do it, yet what i do is: a million) pass to Powerpoint 2007 (im uncertain the way it particularly works in case you have 03) 2) variety in spite of you opt to variety 3) substitute the font type to a minimum of something massive and ambitious, like effect (substitute the size to make the image interior take place extra powerful) 4) pass to format on the perfect menu bar 5) next to the three massive 'A's are 3 ideas. elect the 1st one, "text cloth fill" 6) while the drop down menu shows up, opt for "image" 7) %. your image 8) now you're able to crop it to get rid of all the extra white area. pass to any image modifying web site (picnik, as an occasion. or paint. or the residing house windows image gallery factor) and crop it. *keep in mind that some photos are not top formatted and could stretch. i think of this type is the finest, you dont could acquire something! have relaxing... :)
2010-02-28 3:15 am
In every year [do you mean in every grade level, or Every year as in annually?], there are a lot of music events going on at_______________School. Each event has its own genre of music. There is the Battle of the Bands, a rock night that is enthusiastically supported by the students. There is Music Night, a twice-yearly performance of classical music. On February 25th, the Chamber Night was proudly presented by students from __________, who are talented in strings instruments, flute, and vocal.

The last piece for Chamber Night was performed by Jim and Susan. They chose to do the “Introduction & tarantella” by P. Sarasate, with Susan on the piano while Jim played violin. They made a great choice of music, a piece in which two different tastes and tempos of music are (accumulated) [integrated? juxtaposed? combined?] in one song. The introduction was peaceful and quiet when the piano played the main part. As they kept playing, the music gradually changed to a fast tempo which created an intense mood. Jim had some fast bowing to do, yet hit the right notes which impressed the audience. Their great performance was like a story told through music, and excellently so.

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