
2010-02-26 9:27 pm

回答 (2)

2010-02-27 1:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Employer Testimonial
29th April 2009

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for reading the letter.

I have the pleasure to recommend Ms/Mr (申請人姓名拼音) (身份證號碼) as a member of the . He/She started her role in (公司名稱) as (申請人職務) from (擔任職務時間) . He/She has immediate subordinate staff now.

Ms/Mr (申請人姓名拼音) is in charge of ( 工作性質) work in our company. He/She is competent to his/her job and in good character.

The following job is his/her full-time staff working in our company.
1. (工作內容) .
2. (工作內容) .
3. (工作內容) .
4. (工作內容) .
5. (工作內容) .

Should you have any queries about this letter, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours faithfully,

(Ho Fook Leong )

(Electric Skill Engineer up to 33KV)
(Electrical Engineering Department)
(ABC Electrical Engineering Ltd. Co)
Tel: +
Fax: +


希望幫到你 .
2010-02-27 12:00 am

Dear Sirs,

The is to certify that Mr. ABC, ID no. W1234567(8), grade A REW No. 456789 has been working for our company as electrical technician since 1997, under the supervision of the Engineer, his normal duties are :
a. Design, install and maintenance for fixed electrical installation up to 2500A
d. Testing and inspection for fixed electrical installation up to 2500A

His knowledge and working experience demonstrated that he is competent to handle 2500A electrical works and hence recommended for upgrade to Grade B electrici worker.

Your approval is must appreciated.

Yours faithfully

T M Chan, CEO
AAA Engineering Co. Ltd

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:06:47
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