
2010-02-26 1:53 am

American Airlines $4499

United Airlines $4295

Continental Airlines $4640

Northwest airlines$4295

Delta airlines $4700

Thank you ^,^

回答 (3)

2010-02-27 10:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My recommendation will be American Airlines. Here are my reasons:

1. Connection(s) is necessary for Continental and Delta (Northwest is now under Delta).

- Continental: EWR and IAH (If it is direct flight, it will be code-share with United).

- Delta: NRT and SEA

2. American Airlines flight is a code-share flight with Cathay Pacific.

3. Cathay Pacific has a better service than United.
2010-03-04 2:10 am
點解唔睇吓坐SQ??? 一個唔覺意, 可能會坐到A380添..... 仲有SQ出名空姐靚...
2010-02-26 6:05 pm
1st choice America airlines,Northwest and Continental

2nd Choice Delta and United

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