\”做一個訪問\” 英文口語說法**聽日要用**急 (!)

2010-02-26 1:14 am
幫我譯做英文口語丫 唔該

{ 你好
唔知你介唔介意呢? }

回答 (4)

2010-02-26 9:56 am
Good Morning (Afternoon) Sir/Mdm
I need to conduct an interview with foreigners for one of my school assignment. Would you mind sparing me alittle of your time to help me with the interview? Thank you.
2010-02-26 2:28 am

假使照妳原句直譯恐令對方聽得不順, 所以用不失妳原意的口語譯出來如下:

"Good mroning sir(若是下午就改Good afernoon,對方是女士就叫madam,年青男子就叫young gentleman,少女就叫young lady), do you mind if I am here to
ask you some guestions right now for my homework(學校要做的家課, 加不加 's' 也可 以) ? Because we are asked to make an interview with a foreigner .".
請留意上述是口語例句, 若在書寫上儘可能不要將because寫在句子的開始,這
是文法的瘕癡, 在很特殊情况下才會用到。希望我的答案對你有幫助。
參考: my English knowledge
2010-02-26 2:01 am
Hello, how are you today? / good morning/afternoon!
I am conducting a homework to interview foreigners.
Would you mind if I talk with you for a few mintues?

2010-02-26 1:35 am
Hello sir/ madam, Do you have a minute?

I would like to have an interview with you regarding on foreignors (關於咩). I need to do this interview for my school assignment, if you don't mind.

Thanks very much.

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