What would you bury today that would be most valuable in 200 years?

2010-02-25 12:02 am
"In 200 years, one of your relatives is going to be digging in what is now your backyard. They are going to find something that you buried in 2010 and it is going to put any financial worries they have to rest.

回答 (4)

2010-02-25 12:31 am
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car parts?
2010-02-25 8:16 am
200 years, yes probably, well hopefully stocks and bonds, bit risky but very good. or even a cash ISA
but im personally not sure if you could put x amount of money in a bank and leave it for hundreds of years without them shutting it down.

an antique of some sort perhaps maybe.

ohhh WINE!!!!!! vintage wine surely that would sky rocket

jewlry that was hallmarked. reasonably priced

there nothing that you could buy now for practically zero now that would be worth loads in 200 years, but thre are thing that you could be for a fairly decent price that would go up but as for being worth phenominal amounts of money in only 200 years. i dont kno. let me know if u find out lol

property or land
2010-02-25 8:08 am
The real artwork of Mona Lisa.
2010-02-25 8:05 am
Stocks and Bonds...well hopefully.

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