
2010-02-24 5:05 pm
其實就系咁既...我黎緊有個音樂公眾考試, 咁有幾條問題會播4首歌出黎跟住要我自己去估邊首歌系邊個時期...
咁我想問呢...可以盡量話比我知有邊d名作曲家 (mozart, bach, tchaikovsky...) 系系以下個4個時期.


PS: 對吾住, 我系英國讀書所以系英國考. 儘量英文名阿...thx :)


20th century:

回答 (2)

2010-02-24 5:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2010-02-24 09:49:58 補充:

1. classical: The best known composers from this period are Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Franz Schubert; other notable names include Luigi Boccherini, Muzio Clementi, Antonio Soler, Antonio Salieri, François Joseph Gossec, Johann Stamitz,

2010-02-24 09:52:30 補充:
2. Romantic: Alkan · Auber · Beethoven · Bellini · Berlioz · Berwald · Chopin · Félicien David · Field · Franck · Glinka · Halévy · Kalkbrenner · Liszt · Loewe · Marschner · Méhul · Mendelssohn · Meyerbeer · Moscheles · Paganini · Rossini · Schubert · Schumann · Thalberg · Verdi · Wagner · Weber
2010-02-26 6:42 am
4 main musical periods:
Baroque: texture is mainly polyphonic (melody against melody) or contrapuntal (imitative). Dynamics is by layer (terrace dynamics: p, mp, mf) instead of cresc. or dim.. Melody: sequence, morden or short trill, no pedalling as it requires clear lines. Style is mainly dances like Minuet (in 3), Sarabande (in 3 but slow), Bourree (in 2 or 4), Gigue (compound time). Tonality: tonal (major or minor). Composers: J.S.Bach, Handel, but Scarlatti's music is Homophonic, he wrote one-movement sonatas.

Classical: texture mainly homophonic (simple melody with simple accompaniment like alberti bass). Dynamics: no big range of dynamics. Melody: mainly form by scale or arpeggio-like passages. Composers: Haydn and Mozart. Beethoven is both Classical and Romantic, his music with more octaves and pedalling, use wider range of the keyboard, but form is Classical.
Romantic: texture is homophonic (chordal) or part-writing (not polyphonic). Dynamics: wider range of dynamics. Melody: wider range of melody, as the piano is fully developed during Romantic period, composers tend to write music with the full piano keyboard. Composers: Brahms fonds of the lower register of the keyboard, Chopin wrote Waltzes and Mazurkas (dances in 3), with more irregular rhythm. Schubert wrote lyrical melody. All Romantic music with pedal.

20th Century: Bartok: irregular time (in 5 or 7), frequent change of time, music is rhythmic. Debussy: blur melody with pedalling, lots of parallel movements, modal tonality. Ravel: Clear melody with part-writing and pedalling, modal tonality. Schoenber: abstract melody, atonal. Gershwin: Jazzy.

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