People keep on talking about the economy is bad blahblahblah, but I don't see them saving any money. I see people buying luxury cars, gadgets and etc all the time. The reason why the country has so much debt is that people's spending habits are not changing. When are people going to learn? Do they just hope that the government will find a way to make everyone happy?
Making people with credit debt pay it down to a zero balance before they can borrow again would make a lot of people unhappy. But for the purpose of eliminating debt it is the best choice. Likewise holding the same expectation of debt repayment standard toward our own government would also make a lot of people unhappy, but would help eliminate national debt over time.
For the purpose of aiding in the elimination of national debt and also to make our "public servants" once again serve the better interest of the nation instead of those of the lobbyists, they all should have a reduction in pay so that they live by the same standards the rest of the country lives by. This will make many people unhappy, especially politicians who have become self serving, but it is the better choice for the nation as a whole.
If the idea of eliminating national and personal debts is the goal, the best choice will make the nation very unhappy in the short term. But in the long run, the nation will not be enslaved by its debts both personal and national.
As much debt as "we the people" have incurred by allowing our government to live beyond its means, we have collectively enslaved the entire nation through that debt. If the nation were to be expected to repay the debt today - this very minute - the United States and its citizens would be owned by its creditors, through repossession of collateral. If the body of the general public became aware of the facts behind the federal reserve, and the economic slavery we have literally bought ourselves into, then repayment of the debt would become a top priority. Borrowing more would not be an option for several years. The whole would undoubtedly be very unhappy, but the better interest would be served by the best possible choice to eliminate debt and slavery through debt.
Advertisements are a major reason why people spend some much money. Commercials are being shown multiple times on thirty minute show segments. Yahoo Answers itself has advertisements everywhere. This strategy being done on people is the reason why they all of a sudden feel they need something to buy.