有左bb 仲可唔可以去旅行呀??

2010-02-23 11:15 pm
我估計我有左bb 個半月!!

我booked左3月尾去馬爾代夫, 因為已經落左訂出左機票, 又唔可以改名, 延期!如果退錢只能退30%!!!

1) 咁我仲去唔去旅行好呀??
2) 到時我有兩個半月, 去唔去得呀??

回答 (4)

2010-02-24 12:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
you can go if your doctor don't have any concern.
Actually the risk of travel is you might not able to get the proper medical treatment if you have any emergency. And you have to take care of your body coz you might easy to feel tired when you are traveling around. And remember to eat properly.
參考: i have travel during my pregnancy too
2010-02-25 9:32 am
係可以 ga, 不過你就要自己小心 d 同埋注意飲食囉~
最好去之前去見一見醫生開定一 d 孕婦都食得 ge 看門口藥比你帶住去~
例如暈浪丸, 感冒藥, 腸胃藥等等~
記得隨身帶一樽自己飲開 ge 水去到溝水飲~
等自己可以適應當地 ge 水土~
參考: 我有個兩歲半大 ge 囝囝
2010-02-24 3:47 am
2010-02-24 3:28 am

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