
2010-02-23 10:11 am
1. 控制人流/人流控制
2. 船隻班次控制
3. 乘客查詢
4. 協助乘客購買代幣
5. 協助乘客登船

回答 (7)

2010-02-24 8:20 am

1. 控制人流/人流控制 = To
control people streams

2. 船隻班次控制 = To maintain the vessels schedules

3. 處理乘客查詢 = To handle passengers inquiries

4. 協助乘客購買代幣 = To assist passengers to purchase tokens

5. 協助乘客登船 = To assist passengers boarding
2010-02-24 1:11 am
(1) Control of the flow rate for people.
(2) Control schedule for ferry.
(3) Passage enquiry.
(4) Assisting the passages to purchase the token.
(5) Assisting the passages aboard.
2010-02-23 10:20 pm
crowd control
frequentcy control of vessels / ships
Customers enquiry / serivce
Assist passengers to buy tokens
Help passengers to borad on ships.
2010-02-23 7:14 pm
1. Passenger traffic control/management
2. Vessel schedule management/arrangement
3. Passenger inquiries.
4. Assistance for token exchange for passengers.
5. Assistance for passenger boarding.
2010-02-23 5:08 pm
1. Passenger traffic management.
2. Vessel schadule management.
3. Passenger inquires.
4. Token exchange for passager.
5. Assist passenger boarding.
2010-02-23 10:21 am
1. 控制人流/人流控制 = Crowd control
2. 船隻班次控制 = Frequency control of the vessel
3. 乘客查詢 = customer problems
4. 協助乘客購買代幣 = To assist passengers to purchase tokens
5. 協助乘客登船 = Help passengers board the vessel
2010-02-23 10:21 am
1.Stream of people control
2.The ships school grade order controls
3.Passenger inquiry
4.Assists the passenger to purchase a generation of coin
5.Assists the passenger to go on board

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