Avocado? Hard flesh? Ruinned my plan.?

2010-02-23 6:24 am
It was my first time buying avocado, and when I cut it open, the flesh was hard. How do you tell whether the flesh of an avocado is soft from outside? I picked 5 of them, and the flesh was hard for all of them. Wasted my money and ruinned my plan.

回答 (5)

2010-02-23 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Most avacados this time of year are picked before ready. Push down gently on the top where the stem is at (like you do a melon) and smell it. Also the darker it is, the more ripe it is. If you do buy and under ripe cado, place it in a small paper bag with the top rolled down to ripen (like you do with apples and tomatos). Hope I helped.
2010-02-23 6:31 am
When you press your thumb into a ripe avocado, they should give. If you are going to use them that day, get one that seems slightly soft. If they are hard and don't give when squeezed, then put them in a paper bag with an apple for a day or two and they will soften. In the future, if you are buying a fruit or vegetable for the first time, ask a produce clerk at the store and they can help you find ripe produce.
2010-02-23 1:14 pm
Your avocados were not ripe. They need to be somewhat soft when you lightly squeeze them.
2010-02-23 7:02 am
Avocados can be tricky to eat ripe. They should be soft like a ripe banana. Usually you have to buy tthem hard, then wait 2 to 5 days for them to soften up. Be careful not to bruise them, When they ripen they are only ripe for about a day, or two days if placed in a cold place once ripe (refrigerator). Keep at room temperature to ripen. If you wait too long they turn brown inside. A little brown won't hurt anything, but they taste better when nice and green.

I am very experienced with avocados but sometimes the timing is still difficult. It is easy to over ripen.
2010-02-23 6:28 am
your plan for what...i hate avocados..like pee eww

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