In college graduation ceremony, do they make each student go on stage individually and get their cert?

2010-02-22 6:03 pm
is each student being called on stage to get their diploma or something?
or they go on stage in groups?
or they don't have to go on stage at all and the ceremony is just a bunch of people giving speeches?
what actually happens in a college graduation ceremony??

回答 (5)

2010-02-22 6:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Depends on the size of the college. In my university (Arizona State) the only graduates who went on stage were the Doctorates. The rest of us were in robes and caps, just sitting on chairs out on the football field.
2010-02-22 6:05 pm
it depends on the size of the school. my college is smaller, 2800 students, so each of us will go on stage individually, but larger schools just do a general graduation without each student going on stage.
2010-02-22 6:23 pm
Yes, alphabetically by last name and by department/program (If you are a politics student, you go on a certain date/time).
2010-02-22 6:07 pm
at the large graduation, the students that were highly awarded usually get called on stage to recieve their diplomas. the individual graduations where you get to go up and recieve your diploma if you were an average student is held in a different location, or at a different time according to your major. i was a theater major, i had mine in the theater. then after that in the feild with like 10,000 other students.
2010-02-22 6:06 pm
yep, it's a lot of what you're thinking about.

the ceremony usually involves a couple of musical presentations, including the star spangled banner probably, as well as several addresses by the president of the school, a special commencement speaker, and the class valedictorian. then every student is called up to receive their diploma. it takes a while, but luckily they call up students pretty continuously so there are about 5 kids on stage at a time, going through the assembly line of diploma, handshake, photo op, etc/
參考: way too many cousins

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