
2010-02-23 6:50 am
我知道 , 發電是一個能量轉換的過程
不論水力發電 , 火力發電 , 風力發電 , 太陽能發電 , 全部都係轉動發電機去發電
不過 , 好多網友都話發電係能量轉換 , 我想問 : 能量如何轉換??

我參考過一個知識 , 睇到以下一句 :

" 切割磁力線產生交流電 "
佢就有講到 , 交流電由 " 切割磁力線 " 而產生 , 但我想知道更多

只說發電是 " 能量轉換過程 " 的網友 , 你沒有錯 , 不過你有回答如何發電嗎?機械能如何轉成電能?

我主要想問的是 , 發電機運作原理是?

我求的不要大約的回答, 不要提能量2字

回答 (2)

2010-02-23 9:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
你話水力發電, 火力發電, 風力發電, 全部都係轉動發電機切割磁力線去發電冇錯, 但係太陽能發電, 化學電池發電, 核子反應堆發電, 敲打石英發電就冇用轉動發電機切割磁力線去發電, 仲有切割磁力線唔一定產生交流電, 仲可以產生直流電, 再落來就係切割磁力線唔一定係轉動機械能來轉換電能, 好似呢把手電筒只要用來搖就可以發電, 完全冇用到機械同埋冇轉動。




所有答案度係肯定100%準確唔係大約, 而且完全冇提到‘能量’二字。

譬如 : 用人既手力去搖動電筒, 電筒内有一個磁鐵, 當搖動手電筒時, 磁鐵既磁力線就會切割導體(線圈)而產生電能, 呢啲都係‘能量轉換’如果你冇手(人既能量)去搖支電筒, 佢自己係唔會發電既。


2010-02-23 02:00:38 補充:

2010-02-23 10:56:37 補充:

呢把手電筒只要用來搖就可以發電, 完全冇用到轉動既機械能。

髮電 = 發電
2010-02-23 5:07 pm
You are right that induced emf (electromotive force) is due to cutting of megnetic field lines by a conductor. In fact, "cutting of field line" is just a simplified physics concept for the understanding of high school physics students.

The origin of induced emf is due to Lorentz Force. This is a force given to a moving charge in a magnetic field. The force is proportional to the speed of the charge, the strength of the magnetic field, and the amount of charge itself.

The force arisies because of interaction of the external magnetic field and the magnetic field produced by the moving charge (just think of a moving charge consitutes a current, which produces a magnetic field around it).

Conductors are full of free charges (electrons), when the conductor moves in a magnetic field, this also brings the electrons to move with the conductor. As a reuslt, Lorentz force acting on the electrons drives them to move in one direction. This is the induced current.

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