
2010-02-22 8:06 pm
為慶祝ANNA之生日, 生日蛋糕分享聚會將於明日下午四時於會議室擧行, 敬請大家準時出席. 多謝.

回答 (5)

2010-02-22 8:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To celebrate Anna's birthday, a birthday party will be held at 4:00pm tomorrow in the meeting room. Please come on time and celebrate together. Thank you.

The above translation is less formal and is suitable to be written on a memo or email.
2010-02-23 5:25 pm


2010-02-22 8:59 pm
Date: 22/2/2010

Dear All,

To celebrate Anna's birhtday, we will have a birthday party at the conference at 4pm tomorrow.

Your attendance is highly appreciated. Thank you !

Best regards,
2010-02-22 8:36 pm
To celebrate Anna's birthday, birthday cake sharing party will be held at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow at the meeting room. Please attend on time. Thank you.
2010-02-22 8:21 pm
To celebrate Anna's birthday, a birthday party will be held at 4:00pm tomorrow in the meeting room. Please come on time and celebrate together. Thank.

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