請高手100字 中5英文作文改錯.比一垃圾網止 一定會投訴

2010-02-21 11:54 pm
On My Way To The Cinema

One day i thing by the bus want to saw a move film at cinema

not long time i get on the bus and i quickly found the sitting

but i sitting but long time one old woman getting on the bus i saw her is not easy for getting on the bus

so i stood up give her sitting the old woman sitting and happly and say ''Thing you very much you is very nice people''

the bus stopped the cinema station i get off the bus and want to the cinema saw the nice film after want to home have a dinner

with my family and said about today i felt today is so happy.




請幫幫我呀,我想用過去式寫一份關於一個On My Way To The Cinema

如果有D文法既錯 全陪話哂比我知

有句型錯 都要話比我知~!~!

回答 (2)

2010-02-22 12:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
chan.on23 您好 ~~~


以下都只是我的一些建議,如有錯誤,請多多指教 ~~~

One day i thing by the bus want to saw a move film at cinema




One day, I wanted to go to watch a movie at the cinema so I waited for a bus.

not long time i get on the bus and i quickly found the sitting

Soon, I got on a bus and I found a seat quickly.

but i sitting but long time one old woman getting on the bus i saw her is not easy for getting on the bus


I was travelling on the bus for quite a long time when I saw an old woman got on the bus. The old woman seemed to be quite difficult to find a seat.

so i stood up give her sitting the old woman sitting and happly and say “Thing you very much you is very nice people”


So I stood up and gave her my seat. The old woman sat down and said, “Thank you very much. You are really a nice person.”

the bus stopped the cinema station i get off the bus and want to the cinema saw the nice film after want to home have a dinner


When the bus reached the cinema, I got off the bus and went to the cinema to watch a nice movie. After that, I went back home to have a dinner.

with my family and said about today i felt today is so happy.


with my family and said, “Today I have a wonderful day!”

一些提點︰其實整篇文章的字詞用得尚算是可以接受的,但卻串錯了不少的字,如︰went à want,think à thing 等等。


例︰the bus stopped the cinema station



希望可以幫到您 ~~~~~

2010-02-21 16:21:38 補充:
Sorry, à 應為一個右箭嘴(→)
參考: Yogi
2010-02-22 2:53 am
On my way to the cinema

One day I went by bus to a cinema to watch a movie. Soon after I got on the bus and found myself a seat, I saw an old woman getting up the bus
with difficulty and was unable to get a seat. I gave up my seat to her. She
thank me happily and said " Thank you very much, you are a very nice
young man." (假如你是女孩子則改寫作young lady ). I got off the bus at the stop nearby the cinema where I watched a nice movie. I returned home
afterwards to have dinner with my family and told them what had happened
and that I had ahappyday.

1)你的文章說你(想)去看電影而說" I think過去式thought " 是直譯(思想)是錯的,因為你是(希望)去,所以應用" I want過去式wanted "才對。
2)一般說乘巴士去地方用"by bus"就可以了,不需要寫" by the bus"
3)" I want to saw " want 的過去式是wanted又to之後的動詞要用現在式,所以
句子應寫做"I wanted to see"才對。但看電影應用"watch"而不用"see"。
4)我估你想說看見該老婦困難地才上了巴士的意思 那說"I saw an old woman
getting up the bus with difficulty"就十分清楚了。
5)回家食飯寫"went home to have dinner"不須要加a 字。 6) 雖然你年齡小,但禮貌上也會被別人稱young man 或young lady的)。

總結我的答案,英文和中文一樣,講一句話是有很多方法的, 要學好英文,除了學校課本外要往書局找些淺易的課外參考書閱讀及要習慣查字典,及多看英文電視台。
參考: my English knowledge

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