
2010-02-21 11:04 pm
導演: 黃百鳴,邱禮濤
主演: 黃百鳴,吳君如,古天樂,鄭中基,熊黛林,楊穎,潘粵明,李香琴,夏春秋,林雪,田蕊妮

花田國公主遺珠(楊穎飾演)自幼被送到中原學習禮儀,與中原大將軍麥炳榮(鄭中基飾演) 互生情愫。惜回國途中遇上海盜,全軍覆沒遺珠亦告墮海失蹤。花田國破產富商黃百萬(黃百鳴飾)女兒黃鶯 (熊黛林飾演) 投河殉情,黃百萬傾盡僅餘的家財希望救回女兒,竟撈得喪失記憶且嚴重漏口的遺珠,黃百萬見遺珠楚楚可憐,決定讓她假冒黃鶯嫁進尚書府享福。

可是尚書大人(林雪飾演) 的兒子吳上進(潘粵明飾演)卻悔婚,尚書大人只好賠錢了事,黃百萬見機不可失於是開天殺價,結果與尚書之妹吳溫柔(吳君如飾演)吵得臉紅耳熱,為人野蠻潑辣的吳溫柔為了讓二人知難而退,更要他們住柴房。


回答 (4)

2010-02-22 10:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Director: Raymond Wong, Herman Yau Cast: Raymond Wong, Sandra Ng, Louis Koo, Ronald Cheng, Lynn, Yang Ying, Pan Yue Ming, Lee Heung Kam, Xiachun Qiu, Lam Suet, Tian Rui Yi Chu-ni Princess Hanada States (Ying Yang plays) to learn from an early age was sent to the Central Plains etiquette, and the Central Plains Great General Mai Bingrong (Ronald Cheng plays) alternate affair. On his way home but unfortunately encounter pirates, have all been wiped out leaving Pearl disappeared into the sea. Hanada country bankrupt businessman Huang 1 million (Raymond Wong decorated) daughter, Ying Huang (played by Lynn) plunge sentimentalism, yellow one million run to save his daughter want to spend the remaining family wealth, actually Laode memory loss and serious leakage left the mouth of beads, yellow one million would like to see Chu delicate and charming and decided to let her marry into the Book of House fake warbler enjoy life. But the Book of adults (Lam Suet plays) son of Wu motivated (Pan Yue Ming plays) but Huihun, Book of adults had to lose money if they do see the yellow one million be missed so exorbitantly, the results of Mei Shang Wu gentle (played by Sandra Ng) quarrel blush ear hot, for others, Wu gentle savage forceful quit in order to make peace between them, but they settle Chaifang. Survived the warbler was badly mistaken for a princess into the palace, thinking that the highly intelligent sea king (played by Louis Koo) not only did not recognize this false front of the Princess, but also obey the physician eunuch son Xiaochun (Xia Chunqiu decorated) recommendation decided to recruit Gunma warbler contest for the Queen Mother was seriously ill (Lee Heung Kam plays) joy
2010-02-22 10:14 am


2010-02-21 11:15 pm
Hanada Country Princess left Pearl (played by Yang Ying) from an early age was sent to the Central Plains to learn etiquette, and the Central Plains Great General Mai Bingrong (Ronald Cheng plays) alternate affair. On his way home but unfortunately encounter pirates, have all been wiped out leaving Pearl disappeared into the sea. Hanada country bankrupt businessman Huang 1 million (Raymond Wong decorated) daughter, Ying Huang (played by Lynn) plunge sentimentalism, yellow one million run to save his daughter want to spend the remaining family wealth, actually Laode memory loss and serious leakage left the mouth of beads, yellow one million would like to see Chu delicate and charming and decided to let her marry into the Book of House fake warbler enjoy life.

But the Book of adults (Lam Suet plays) son of Wu upward mobility (Pan Yue Ming plays) but Huihun, Book of adults had to lose money if they do see the yellow one million be missed so exorbitantly, the results of Mei Shang Wu gentle (played by Sandra Ng) quarrel blush ear hot, for others, Wu gentle savage forceful quit in order to make peace between them, but they settle Chai Fang.

Survived the warbler was badly mistaken for a princess into the palace, thinking that the highly intelligent sea king (played by Louis Koo) not only did not recognize this false front of the Princess, but also obey the physician eunuch Koharu son (Xia Chunqiu decorated) recommendations, decided to recruit Gunma warbler contest for the Queen Mother was seriously ill (Lee Heung Kam plays) Chong-Xi

2010-02-21 11:12 pm
其實UA cinema 個網都有



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