
2010-02-21 6:55 pm


回答 (10)

2010-02-22 1:13 pm

原來這個世界還有好人,哈哈........佩服 真的佩服。
2010-02-22 10:23 am


2010-02-21 11:00 pm

Find your own perfect life

Be patient to await your own suprise.

3.我都是一個巧克力愛好者,以前,我只知道巧克力可以調節我的壞心情;或是毒 死一些可愛的狗隻,
I am also a chocolate lover. I used to think that chocolate can adjust my wicked thought of poisioning some lovely dogs.

Now I know chocolate can also reduce the chance of getting cardiac disease. This is an absolute discovery of Chocolate!
2010-02-21 9:44 pm
1.Able to find your own wonderful life
2.Please be patient belongs to your little surprise
3.I have been a chocolate lover, before I only know that chocolate can adjust my bad mood; or poisoned some lovely dogs, but now, I know these are just a small part that they can maintain a healthy heart, this is definitely is a major discovery
參考: 自已
2010-02-21 8:48 pm
1. could find belongs to your happy life
2. to ask the patience to wait belongs to your young pleasantly surprised
3. I am a chocolate amateur, before, I only knew that the chocolate might adjust my bad mood; Perhaps kills by poison some lovable dog, but the present, I knew that these are only a small part, can maintain the heart health, this is a significant discovery
2010-02-21 7:57 pm
1) You will find the wonderful life of your own.
2) Please be patient to wait for the little surprise that belongs to you.
3) I have always been a chocolate lover, I knew before that chocolate could
smooth my bad mood and (在這句子裏用or 並不適宜) poison some lovely
dogs to death but now I realize I only knew a little; it can keep our heart
healthy is absolutely a big discovery.
參考: my English knowledge
2010-02-21 7:18 pm
1. could find belongs to your happy life 2. to ask the patience to wait belongs to your young pleasantly surprised 3. me is a chocolate amateur, before, I only knew that the chocolate might adjust my bad mood; Perhaps kills by poison some lovable dog, but the present, I knew that these are only a small part, can maintain the heart health, this to is a significant discovery
2010-02-21 7:17 pm
1.能找到屬於你自己的美好人生:To find your own good life
2.請耐心等候屬於你的小驚喜:Please wait for your surprise
是一個重大的發現:I am a chocolate lover, previously, I only know that chocolate can adjust my bad mood; or betacypermethrin some lovely dog, but now, I know that these are just a small part, to maintain heart health, this is definitely
To be a major discovery
參考: +_+
2010-02-21 7:09 pm
唔識英文就唔好假裝, 翻譯器的英文笑死人, 我睇你自己都唔明!
2010-02-21 7:09 pm
1. could find belongs to your happy life
2. to ask the patience to wait belongs to your young pleasantly surprised
3. I am a chocolate amateur, before, I only knew that the chocolate might adjust my bad mood; Perhaps kills by poison some lovable dog, but the present, I knew that these are only a small part, can maintain the heart health, this is a significant discovery

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