There he was with a bare rump. His friends wondered and talked about him behind his back.
The brown dog knew they were acting strangely, so he started the conversation first. “I have something very important to tell you,” he declared solemnly. “Yesterday I cut off my superfluous tail, despite the intense pain this caused.”
“It was quite a nice tail. Why did you want to cut it off?” asked the black dog, confused.
“I thought that, for a dog, a tail was just unnecessary,” said the brown dog with studied earnest. “If you cock it up, they say you are too cocky; if you tuck it between your legs, they also say something bad about you…”
有無睇清楚我個要求?我話唔要網上翻譯囉唔該! 唔好當人傻嫁啦!