Gramma Problem

2010-02-21 6:54 am
She is going to leave her present hospital and change her working place next month...

change點解係用present tense?而吾係用present continous Tense?

回答 (4)

2010-02-24 1:55 am
change. 用[ 一般時及進行時 ] 都不宜.

因為and之後是對等連句,要配合前句之object=to leave.
因此要用to change(infinitive) =去轉變/去改換....她的工作.

*infinitive=to + v 不定詞的[動作時態]是滯後原動詞is going才适用.

*她準備[ 去離開 ]to leave及[ 去改換一吓 ]to change 她的工作.......

*無論...動名詞/分詞/ = v + ing, 因時態過早於原動詞p v.皆不宜用

* 進行時式...都不宜....因為在準備中的事情,怎會在[ 進行中 ]呢?
2010-02-21 3:55 pm
She is going to do some thing

-' to leave her present hospital
- to change her working place next month,
- to ....

Grouping similar word structure is called coherence and is an essential element of English writing.

While your orginal sentence is grammatically correct, for this reason, it is better to write it as:

She is going to leave her present hospital and to change her working place next month...
2010-02-21 9:14 am

2010-02-21 7:13 am
She is going [TO] leave her present hospital and change her working place next month.

2010-02-20 23:16:57 補充:
It's called "Infinitive". So, you don't have to change the tense.

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