✔ 最佳答案
我覺得你最好申請SPACE Advance Dip of Management Studies.,然後入 SPACE Bach of Management Studies(是HKU本部的Part time,有1st hon認受性限高,HKU本部Master of Econ 直收(當然要考到2nd hon upper),Poly商科Master當然收,試過BMS 2nd hon lower考Poly物流Master即收,其實只有行內才知道HKU BBA係日校,HKU BMS係SPACE,打Resume都算係HKU畢業生.
IVE+HKCEE 5科及中英文合格便可入Advance Dip of Management Studies.如果不收,亦可先讀三佪月的Certificate of Management Studies. 主要係補返中,英,數及Econ
Applicants should
1)either, have 5 passes (including English and Mathematics) in HKCEE or equivalent;
2)and, One A-level pass or 2 AS level passes in any subject or have a post-secondary academic qualification;
3)and, have 2 - 3 years work experience. or, have an HKU SPACE Certificate in Business and Economics.
4)Applicants may also be required to take a Test before being offered a place to study this programme.
2010-02-20 22:50:24 補充:
不過佢地好認真,每個Semester都要夠總分,唔夠分第一次警告,連肥兩三個Sem即革走,冇得重讀肥D科,有人試過林尾香,花了十幾萬及四年時間畢唔到業,亦冇得補考,至於可不可以從yr 1重讀就不得而知,不過正因如此,才keep到qua1ity
2010-02-23 18:19:06 補充:
你可先申請入BMS,唔得佢會自動問你入Adv.Dip,入到BMS最快三年零一季讀完三十科,至於IVE HD有冇D科有exemption,你就要問佢地,好似机會細D,如果無exemption,全費要十一萭左右
2010-02-24 08:15:10 補充:
對不起,我真的給了舊料,原來HKU本部己不再發BMS.現在SPACE合作伙伴是Lead College: London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, UK,課程是Bsc Management.我看過課情內容差不多,也是Degree Hons.開課日期: 27 Sep 2010
2010-02-24 08:16:21 補充:
Acceptance to the University of London’s degree programmes, applicants must:
Be aged at least 17 years; AND
have 2 passes at GCE 'A' Level / HKAL + 3 further subjects at GCSE / GCE 'O' Level / HKCEE (not less than "C");
2010-02-24 08:17:20 補充:
3 passes at GCE 'A' Level / HKAL + 1 further subject at GCSE / GCE 'O' Level / HKCEE (not less than "C");
2010-02-24 08:19:20 補充:
Alternative Entry Routes:
Holder of Associate Degree/Higher Diploma/Diploma awarded by Hong Kong tertiary institution who do not fulfill the above requirements may also be considered.
Please refer to the link below:
2010-02-24 08:30:20 補充: