Geog Questions

2010-02-21 3:55 am
1.How would convenient transport in Central District help business people do their businesses??

2.Which banks set up their headquarters in Central District?Give gour examples.

3.Why do business people like to set up their firms in Central District?

4.Suppose you are the owner fo a garment factory.Will you set up your factory in Central District?Why?

回答 (1)

2010-02-21 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.How would convenient transport in Central District help business people do their businesses??

The convenient transport in Central District enable buiness people to maintain daily contacts with their customers. Also, good transport can attract people to visit the district and may further trade, shop, spend etc and bring benefits to the business of them.

2.Which banks set up their headquarters in Central District?Give gour examples.

The headquarter of HSBC, The Bank of China and Chartered Bank located in Central District.

3.Why do business people like to set up their firms in Central District?

a) Because Central District is the Administrative centre. The government headquarter and many other givernment departments located in the Central District. This can help to maintain the daily cintact between the commercial companies and government departments.

b) Because of convenient transport. There are different kinds of transport connect Central District to other parts of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the New Territories, the outlying islands and mainland China.

c) Because of the symbol of status. Businessmen believed that to have their offices in Central District have a symbol of status and reputation. Therefore they are willing to pay high rent to have their offices there.

2010-02-20 21:35:28 補充:
4.Suppose you are the owner fo a garment factory.Will you set up your factory in Central District?Why?

Suppose I am the owner of a garment factory. I will not set up my factory in the Central district. The followings are the reasons:

2010-02-20 21:35:58 補充:
a) High land rent and prices. As Central is one of the Central Business District of Hong Kong, the land is very limited and has intense competition. The land is too expensive for me to set a factory there.

2010-02-20 21:36:23 補充:
b) Traffic congestion. Traffic congestion is very serious in Central District as people move into and out of the District for work. This will bring problems to my workers.

2010-02-20 21:36:36 補充:
c) Difficult to find workers. As the land prices of Central District id very expensive, factory workers looking for low job requirements don't likely live near.

2010-02-20 21:36:55 補充:
d) The air pollution problems. As traffic congestion is serious, air polltion is serious. If I set my factory there, the problem will become worse.

2010-02-20 21:37:06 補充:
e) To the benefit of people work or live there. My factory may brings problems to Central District. For example, the inflammable dyes of clothes may threaten the lives and properties of people lving nearby.

2010-02-20 21:37:23 補充:
After considering my own benefit and many other factors, I decide not to set my factory in Central District.
參考: myself=] plus Knowledge from text book, myself=] plus Knowledge from text book, myself=] plus Knowledge from text book, myself=] plus Knowledge from text book, myself=] plus Knowledge from text book, myself=] plus Knowledge from text book, myself=] plus Knowledge from text book, myself=] plus Knowledge from text book

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