"an object sliding down along a surface of a cycloid uses the shortest time to reach the bottom"
The cycloid posses interesting physical properties. It is brachistochronous and tautochronous: brachistochronous, because it represents the path completed in the shortest time between two points for a given type of motion (such
as a fall under the effect of gravity); tautochronous, because a body
made to oscillate along a cycloid will always take the same time to
cover it, whatever the amplitude of the oscillation..........
我看書看過的這個theorem的 我學過少少coordinate geometry但證極都證不到 我問過老師他說某國(忘)的科學院以此為公開題 一共有5人交答案 其中一人沒有在答案寫上名字,有人認出了牛頓獨特的符號就說 「雖然魔鬼沒有留下名字,但我們看到魔鬼的爪子」 有無高手可以教路?