
2010-02-19 6:42 am

回答 (2)

2010-02-19 1:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實我都係上年年尾先開始玩,so對facebook都唔係太了解, but just try my best!希望可以幫到你!

不過由於你資料比較簡短, so can you tell me more details :
1)you know facebook換左新介面,唔知你有冇發覺唔同左? Actually 3days ago,我都試過打email to search friend and add, but type and enter後,一直冇晝面!另yesterday, want to write something to my friend’s wall,發現冇左行白色野嘅?咁我寫邊?所以我懷疑佢可能lock me! Then我唯有send him a message!
2)First you can ask him what happen so why can’t you leave him message
3)Also you just go to his wall and you will see放大鏡仔(咩動態過濾器) by your right hand side! Then you click,
4)This moment maybe you will see”雙向留言版”! you click and you will see the record between your fd and you before!
5)若仍然唔得,you can go to right hand side upper corner,賬戶,and click幫助中心!我發覺佢比改版前,多左好多facebook使用方法,係chinese!你可以去嗰睇睇!
Actually本身都唔敢入嚟reply you!因自己都唔識!但身同感受,咁唯有自己先試試睇下ok or not!盡量, hope you won’t mind!唔好覺得我唔識就唔好答啦…etc!
諗諗下,you can try once,唔知會唔會因facebook大裝潢,換新裝,因而令system有點故障(都似喇,suppose我po自己嘅野上自己wall度都失敗)而導致add唔到人!至於留言,maybe暫時用住send訊息去contact對方吧!

My email address is : [email protected]

Winnie Lee
參考: myself
2010-02-20 8:40 pm

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