see you DO better?

2010-02-19 3:18 am
Hello, my friends, is me again. This time I would like to clarify a sentence, seeing it is grammatically right.

[I would like to see you DO better] (1)

Here, I capatalize DO because I am wandering it is correct to use [DO] in lieu of [TO do]. ie

[I would like to see you TO DO better] (2)

Can anyone tell me which sentence (1) or (2) is correct and why?

Thanks in advance
From a guy who really loves English grammar.

回答 (1)

2010-02-22 10:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sentence 1, "I would like to see you do better" is correct.

After certain verbs, such as hear, see, watch, make, let, help, the infinitive is bare, without the "to".


I helped him wash dishes.
I saw him drink the wine.
I heard her sing that beautiful song.
I would like to see you do better.
參考: myself

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