grammar quesiton (10)

2010-02-18 9:32 pm
1.someone seriously needs to explain the concept of practical joke to Rodrick , because all his jokes (involve me getting injured.)

2. it was reallly cold out, and i asked dad (if I could go get my coat) out of the car ,but he said no.

1.我想問involve, getting injured,,,三個也是動詞嗎?為什麼可以這樣寫的?

2.if I could go get my coat,,,為什麼get前不用加to?

回答 (3)

2010-02-22 9:55 am
Q1. all his jokes...........subject.

......involve me..............vt + object.只有一個vt原動詞

......getting ( present participle as verb) ....injured ( past participleas as adj )

Q2. if I could go..........整句是[ 不及物 ]句.作subject用,go(vi)與下句無關.

......get my coat.........(vt)get作原動詞+賓詞. 因go不是原動詞又不是[及物vt],所以不須用to get(infinitive)作賓詞.
2010-02-19 8:36 am

2010-02-18 11:26 pm
1. involve = verb, the verb following the verb involve is a gerund, i.e. getting. Injured is an adjective instead of a verb. Past participle of the verb injure is used as an adjective.

2. This is spoken English. The word "and" is omitted. If I could go (and) get my coat.

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