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簡單係Exhibition and Convention Industry,近十年進一步叫MICE Industry.即
Incentive travel:奨勵旅遊,
Conference or Convention: 研討會,
Exhibition: 展覽
2010-02-17 16:29:58 補充:
2010-02-18 07:35:44 補充:
to y2377147 Do you understand what the incentives are? If you really know it, please don't just further rewrite other's script.
2010-02-18 10:11:50 補充:
雖然Exhibition and Convention Industry或Convention and Exhibition Industry兩字是沒有先後次序之分,但香港會展業行會名 Hong Kong Exhibition & Convention Industry Association(香港展覽會議業協會).因此我覺得Exhibition行先較合理.
2010-02-18 10:12:08 補充:
但這廿多年間,世界會展業在拉斯維加斯及德國發揚光大,特別開發及引進了奨勵旅游一項,只用Exhibition and Convention二字實不能概含此行業之特質,MlCE一詞仍美國對會展之正式稱謂,由於近年亞洲會展強國如星架坡,泰國,中國以致澳門特區均向美國取經,因此美式叫法比Exhibition and Convention Industry更深為人熟悉,
2010-02-18 10:12:17 補充:
做英文必須夠流行,其實常看英報之人皆懂MlCE lndustry,那有人不知USA而一定要寫United States of America ,那有人說Personnel Dept 比HR Dept. 來得正規,又何須畫蛇潻足地說明HR即Human Resource.記著英文應是與時並進.