中譯英?? 請不要胡說八道英文//

2010-02-17 11:20 pm
如題... 請不要胡說八道英文係咩??

回答 (7)

2010-02-22 3:16 pm
斯文D既講法:Stop being innocence
粗族D既講法:holy crap!
2010-02-22 4:36 am
" Do not be talking nonsense, please."

** 重點是:因為有人正在"講緊",你才要求呌佢收聲.
因此要出動[進行時態]present continuous tense.
2010-02-21 12:24 pm
please dont nonsense
2010-02-18 1:40 am

This one, 請不要胡說八道英文, is for you.
2010-02-17 11:45 pm
No bullshit
Stop bullshiting
No flannel
2010-02-17 11:37 pm
請不要胡說八道英文係Please do not just talking nonsense
2010-02-17 11:23 pm
please do mot to talk something nonsense .

2010-02-17 15:24:49 補充:
應該係 → please do not to talk something nonsense .

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