請把「成功背後 隱藏了一段不為人知的辛酸」翻譯成英文

2010-02-17 9:46 am

回答 (4)

2010-02-17 2:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案

"At the back of the success is subtly hidden an episode of sufferning and bitterness not known to anyone."

2010-02-19 05:25:38 補充:
2010-02-22 7:54 pm
" At the back of success, there was a poignant memories that nobody knows."
2010-02-17 8:00 pm
Behind the success, there were tons of hardships and bitterness hidden.
There were tons of hardships and bitterness hidden behind the story of success.
2010-02-17 10:34 am
Behind the success, there were tons of hardships and bitterness hidden.
There were tons of hardships and bitterness hidden behind the story of success.

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