
2010-02-17 5:54 am

回答 (3)

2010-02-17 7:21 am
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Rent-seeking activities
imply the monopolistic activities about social resources without making any contribution to productivity.
Rent-seeking market is where enterprises or individuals in the course of
fighting for rent-seeking. The bigger the markets, imply the more the unfair
monopoly affairs in an economic environment. Thus the overall economic benefit reduced.
2010-02-17 6:21 pm
Rent-seeking activities, is engaged in production
in the absence of the case, in order to obtain a monopoly of social resources to
conduct activities. Rent-seeking
market, which businesses or individuals in the rent-seeking in the process of
fighting for market. Rent-seeking market,
the greater the economic environment can be said that an unfair monopoly of many
more things, but in turn, reduces the overall cost-effectiveness.
2010-02-17 8:54 am



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