F.2 History

2010-02-16 6:36 pm
Dicuss the contribution and detruction made by Napoleon on the development of French history..要長細 (15marks)

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2010-02-25 5:27 pm
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Discuss the contribution and destruction made by Napoleon on the development of French history

The contribution of Napoleon Bonaparte
Many accomplishments by Napoleon Bonaparte modified the French society and ultimately the civilized world. Not only did he better France through his domestic policy, he also expanded the territory of France with many battles won through strategic warfare. He as well gave the citizens of France the sense of national identity and pride they needed.
First of all, we found Napoleon's domestic policy which policies had such an immense impact on the way of life in France that they are used today in the civilized world. Through his domestic policy, Napoleon created the Bank of France. By creating the Bank of France Napoleon stabilized the French economy where the previous leaders of France had failed and made the franc the highest currency in all of Europe.

Secondly, Napoleon claimed "Equality must be the first element in education". This was the basis of the educating system Napoleon strived for. The Education reforms which Napoleon introduced in 1802 called lycees allowed this equality to occur and enhanced the way of learning for all of the citizens. Finally the serious rift with the Roman Catholic Church (which was created during the French revolution) was healed when The Concordat was introduced by Napoleon. Mending the rift between the Church and State allowed freedom of religion and rejuvenated the beliefs within the people of France. This contribution to France ended in French domestic tranquility.

Moreover, Napoleon won many battles to expand France. His use of strategic warfare throughout many battles allowed him to be seen as a military talent not only in France but all of Europe. Although his army was outnumbered by the Russians and Austrians in December 2, 1805, Napoleon' brilliant strategies resulted in a defeat of the opposing armies in the Battle of Austerlitz.....(to be cont. )

2010-02-25 09:28:06 補充:
In many other battles that were fought and won by Napoleon, he would use his military experience and tactics to anticipate his opponent's attacks and defeat them no matter the odds.

2010-02-25 09:30:11 補充:
"The destruction of Napolean Bonaparte"

On the other hands, throught the reslut of many battles which Napoleon felt that he was a military talent then made a few costly mistakes that would at the end of his regime.
According to mindset of Napoleon wanted to take over all of Europe, & he almost did.

2010-02-25 09:31:33 補充:
During the period of his regime, Napoleon's first signs of weakness appeared early in the Peninsular War (1808–14). The victory of 1809 over Austria had been costly, and the victory of Archduke Charles at Aspern (May, 1809) showed that the emperor was not invincible.

2010-02-25 09:32:13 補充:
Everywhere forces were gathering to cast off the Napoleonic yoke.

Napoleon's decision to invade Russia marked the turning point of his career. His alliance with Czar Alexander I, dating from the treaties of Tilsit and extended at the Congress of Erfurt (1808), was tenuous.

2010-02-25 09:32:35 補充:
When the czar rejected the Continental System, which was ruinous to Russia's economy, Napoleon gathered the largest army Europe had ever seen. The Grande Armée, some 500,000 strong, including troops of all the vassal and allied states, entered Russia in June, 1812.

2010-02-25 09:33:07 補充:
The Russian troops, under Mikhail Kutuzov, fell back, systematically devastating the land.

After the indecisive battle of Borodino (Sept. 7), in which both sides suffered terrible losses, Napoleon entered Moscow (Sept. 14), where only a few thousand civilians had stayed behind.

2010-02-25 09:33:31 補充:
On Sept. 15, fires broke out all over Moscow; they ceased only on Sept. 19, leaving the city virtually uninhabitable. With his troops decimated, his prospective winter quarters burned down, his supply line overextended, and the Russian countryside and grain stores empty,

2010-02-25 09:34:26 補充:
Napoleon, after sending an unsuccessful feeler to the czar for peace, began his fateful retreat on Oct. 19. Stalked by hunger, the Grande Armée, now only a fifth of its original strength, reached the Berezina River late in November.

2010-02-25 09:36:03 補充:
After passage of that river, secured at a terrible sacrifice, the retreat became a rout.

In Dec. Napoleon left his army, returning to Paris to bolster French forces. Of his allies, Prussia was the first to desert; a Prussian truce with the czar (Dec. 30) was followed by an alliance in Feb., 1813.

2010-02-25 09:36:40 補充:
Great Britain and Sweden joined the coalition, followed (Aug., 1813) by Austria, and the “War of Liberation” began. At the Battle of the Nations at Leipzig (Oct. 16–19), Napoleon was forced to retreat. In November the allies offered Napoleon peace if France would return to her natural boundaries,

2010-02-25 09:37:24 補充:
the Rhine and the Alps. Napoleon rejected the offer, and the allies continued their advance. They closed in on Paris, which fell to them on Mar. 31, 1814.

Attempting to reconstruct the empire, Napoleon liberalized the constitution, but his efforts were cut short when warfare began again.

2010-02-25 09:37:45 補充:
Napoleon was utterly crushed in the Waterloo campaign (June 12–18). He again abdicated and surrendered himself to a British warship, hoping to find asylum in England.

As the result, the above battles, invasion and the ambtion of Napoleon who brought great destruction on the development of French.
參考: I/E+me
2010-02-21 5:03 am
(PS: Are you study in WYC?)

2010-02-20 21:22:42 補充:
Do you study in WYC?

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