hotmail 既 popmail 同 smtpmai 問題

2010-02-16 5:14 pm
我有好多個 e-mail account 如 hotmail, Gmail, Ymail, Yahoo mail 以及其他ISP服務,我一路來用慣 Outlook Express 6 來收發唔同的 account 既 email 都冇問題, 自從2009年8月24號開始, 就收發唔到 hotmail 既訊息, 而家 check e-mail 次次都要登入 hotmail 既 webmail account, 我唔想成日都咁麻煩, 有冇方法可以將所有收到的e-mail 入晒去同一個account, 由或者轉寄去另一個, 方便check e-mail?


如何設置 Outlook Express 中 hotmai l 信箱?

Outlook Express 無法接收 Hotmail 郵件,錯誤碼 : 0x800CCC33

Unable to poll for new messages on your HTTP server. Account: 'Hotmail', Server: '', Protocol: HTTPMail, Server Response: 'Forbidden', Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 998, Socket Error: 87, Error Number: 0x800CCC33

Header download for the 'Inbox' folder did not complete. Account: 'Hotmail', Server: '', Protocol: HTTPMail, Server Response: 'Forbidden', Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 998, Socket Error: 87, Error Number: 0x800CCC33

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2010-02-17 4:20 am
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