i just graduted in the UK.
First of all, studying and living in london is very expensive.
The cost can only be justified if you study at a well-known university, eg, LSE (ranked 7th) or UCL (ranked 5th).
What is the ranking of [University of London]?
Could you find it in the link above?
Cautions! Some universities have similar name.
Why part-time degree?
Just waste your time, as compared to a full-time degree.
If you want to study at University College London (UCL, 5th ranked), the chance is very small.
If you study at an university with ranking lower than, says, 40, there is almost no 認受性.
You can't find a good job easily if your uni has a ranging lower than 10
2010-02-15 11:20:10 補充:
i think your university is
2010-02-15 11:20:16 補充:
[The University of London is a federation of 19 self-governing Colleges of outstanding reputation, and a number of acclaimed central academic Institutes and activities. ]
So, the answers for your questions will depend on which college / institute you want.
2010-02-15 11:20:20 補充:
Email me if needed.
I won't check here.
Send me info about your course if you want