
2010-02-15 8:47 am

There are too many of these outlets which makes meaningful enforcement impossible.
Nicotine is a poisonous and cancer-causing substance and its availability must be restricted not facilitated at every street corner as it is now .

outlets 唔係用make咩?

解釋咩叫as it is now ...
please give me 2~3 examples?

回答 (1)

2010-02-15 9:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1: outlets 唔係用make咩?
"which" in this sentence does not refer to "outlets", but to the "fact" or "situation" that "there are too many of these outlets", and only "one" fact" or "situation" is indicated here, so the verb "makes" is used according to the singular subject "which".

Q2: 解釋咩叫as it is now ...
please give me 2~3 examples?
"as it is now" = 如同現狀 (as in the present situation) 。The present situation is: " Nicotine's availability is facilitated at every street corner".
There are usually three patterns in the use of "as it is":
(1) to lead to a description of the "it":
e.g. As it is now, cigarettes are too easily available.
(2) to lead to a description of the opposite, using "not xxxxx as it is".
e.g. We have to restrict the sales of cigarettes, not facilitate it, as it is now.
(3) to lead to a description of a more intensified situation, using "as xxxxx as it is".
e.g. The health problems caused by cigarette smoking is as bad as it is now, allowing the installation of cigarette vending machines at street corners will make the situation worse.

參考: myself

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