How did Red scare changed America in political, economy, and social?

2010-02-14 8:31 pm
How did Red scare(1920) changed America in political, economy, and social?

回答 (3)

2010-02-14 8:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you mean "Red Scare" as in the cold war)1945-1990). There is alot to go on about, I'm sorr but I can not give you exact facts. Good question though.
2016-11-09 4:01 pm
Starred for forcing human beings to a minimum of google the Black checklist ("hollywood ten" is yet another good seek term, yet bypass away the charges on there, and overlook approximately any link that has "harry potter" or "transformers" on it) in the previous answering, and making human beings examine some thing. i might agree, on the grounds that Communism itself wasn't extremely a enjoyed ones term till around the pink Scare. We had to attend till we've been achieved hating Germany in the previous shall we get around to hating Russia.

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