
2010-02-12 8:33 pm
密 碼 可 包 括 數 字 (0-9), 英 文 大 小 寫 (A-Z, a-z) 及 符 號 (_), 但 不 要 插 入 空 格, 請 確 定 密 碼 不 易 被 估 中。

回答 (10)

2010-02-12 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Password may contain numbers (0-9), case sensitive letters (A-Z,a-z), and sylbom(_), with no space. Please ascertain that the password would not be estimated easily.


2010-02-12 13:36:39 補充:
最後那句改為:Please ascertain that the password cannot be estimated easily.
參考: 以上回答內容是本人經驗(Vinci Cheung),不可能於任何網頁或書本上找到!版權所有,未經許可,請勿複製作任何用途!!!
2010-02-13 7:31 pm
密 碼 可 包 括 數 字 (0-9), 英 文 大 小 寫 (A-Z, a-z) 及 符 號 (_), 但 不 要 插 入 空 格, 請 確 定 密 碼 不 易 被 估 中。

Password can include numbers (0-9), English case (AZ, az) and symbols (_), but do not insert a space, make sure that the password can not easily be estimated.
2010-02-13 8:51 am
can include numbers (0-9), English case (AZ, az) and symbols (_), but
do not insert a space, make sure that the password can not easily be
2010-02-13 6:30 am
Your password may include the numbers 1-9, all letters of the alphabet (both upper- and lower-case), as well as other symbols (such as _), but not spaces. Please ensure that your password cannot be tracked down easily.

2010-02-12 22:33:35 補充:
2010-02-13 3:23 am
猜中,猜對: easily be guessed
2010-02-12 9:42 pm
Password can include numbers (0-9), English case (AZ, az) and symbols (_), but do not insert a space, make sure that the password can not easily be estimated.

2010-02-19 13:34:27 補充:
Good Gob!!
參考: I write
2010-02-12 9:29 pm
Password can include numbers (0-9), English case (AZ, az) and symbols (_), but do not insert a space, make sure that the password can not easily be estimated
2010-02-12 9:14 pm
Your password can include numbers (0-9), English case (AZ, az) and symbols (_), but do not insert a space, make sure your password can not easily be estimated in the
2010-02-12 8:55 pm
Password can include numbers (0-9), English case (AZ, az) and symbols (_), but do not insert a space, make sure that the password can not easily be
2010-02-12 8:39 pm
Password can include numbers (0-9), English case (AZ, az) and symbols (_), but do not insert a space, make sure that the password can not easily be estimated.
參考: goole

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