Where to find old newspaper?

2010-02-12 6:56 pm
I just want to check back the old newspaper in past few yrs,
then where can I find them??
Dun tell to go on net!!

I've heard that it' ll be found in Public Library ,
but is that available in district library or specific library??

And how many yrs the old newspsper will be kept??

Last but not least, is there any museum in HK provide the service of
checking old newspaper??

Much Thanks!!

回答 (2)

2010-02-13 1:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can try Hong Kong Public Library.

Most of the branches do not have it because they are in a microfilm format that need a machine to enlarge it.

Make your life easier. A library has a reference section (books or articles that do not allow to check out) will usually have the microfilm available.

Microfilm can go as far as 1950s.

Microfilm for old newspaper can be printed but not checked out.
2010-02-13 12:27 am
中華圖書館, 打1823問, ok? alright......let go, gent!

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