Are things back to normal in DC after the snowstorm?

2010-02-11 3:42 pm
Things back in business down there?

Thanks all. I actually have re-scheduled my interview to next Wednesday, but I just want to see how things are down there, so I can plan my trip accorrdingly.

回答 (8)

2010-02-11 4:26 pm
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They are better than yesterday. With no more snow falling, the temperature around 33 degrees, and the sun shining, the snow plows and the hand shovels are out, clearing the roads and sidewalks. No Metro buses and only Metro subway service to below-ground stations. If you're still planning to come down tomorrow for your interview at Georgetown, you should find things passable. Still, call ahead to confirm that your interview is still on and whether or not the shuttle bus you intended to use is running.
2010-02-11 11:59 pm
i live in the metropolitan area and NO things are not back to normal. 75% of the streets are still not good for driving due to packed snow and ice patches. all schools are closed for this week and i federal government has been closed since last friday, the 5th. i've been enjoying the days off from the federal government b/c i needed a break anyways from the office (LOL). however, the airports are limited on flights or have been canceled; the metro service is very limited; and metro bus service has been canceled. it will take a few days to recover, as things are progressing due to the plowing companies who have been working around the clock for the snowstorms of part 1 and part 2. our only hope is the sun for snow melting.
參考: ...born and raise in DC but now reside in MD and following the local news channels, myfoxdc 5 news in particular, has been a tremedous help in keeping us all informed of the 2 snowstorms that we just experienced, including the cancellations of schools, organization, dc/fed govt, etc.....
2010-02-11 11:45 pm
No gov't workers today so nothing is getting done in the gov't.

So yes, things are normal :)
2010-02-12 12:01 am
Nope. Above-ground public transportation is still shut down, still a good number of people without power, still many streets waiting to be plowed for the first time...

Give us a week... (rolls eyes)
參考: I've been snowed in for the past 6 days.
2010-02-11 11:44 pm
It's sunny I saw on the news but they are still buried and another huge storm is on the way.....
2010-02-11 11:46 pm
nope not at all the snow plows got suspended for like 1 more day and the federal government is closed but idk
2010-02-13 4:06 am
The government is working today, I know because my dad works for the federal government and he works today. There is another storm coming in though.
2010-02-12 6:09 am
Its sunny, everyone with power now. The main streets are clear, but some of the side streets and alleys are not cleared. Its beautiful out, and lots of kids are sledding!
參考: Looking out the window

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