Some math question...(15marks)

2010-02-12 4:22 am
(All need steps)
1. The length of a rectangle is greater than its width by 20%. If its perimeter is 48m, find the area of the rectangle.

2.The general term of a sequence is T(n)=n+1分之n2+4 If the k-th term of the sequence is k, find k.

3.A number of students went to a camp on xxx Island. If 7 students shared a room, 3 students were left unassigned. If 8 students shared a room, one room was left empty. Find the number of students and the number of rooms.

4.The area of the top of a rectangular box is 252 cm2, the area of the front of the box is 105 cm2, and the surface area of the box is 834 cm2. What is the volume of the box?

5.At a restaurant, chicken wings are served by the bucket. The Biggest Bucket O' Wings is really big! Let's figure out how many wings are in it. If they're removed two at a time, wing will be left. If they're removed three at a time, two wings will remain. If they're removed four, five, or six at a time, then three, four and five wings, respectively, will remain

回答 (1)

2010-02-12 6:17 am
✔ 最佳答案


2010-02-11 22:17:24 補充:

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