突然唔見哂所有dvd drive (20點)

2010-02-11 6:55 pm
岩岩頭先開機,,,突然唔見哂所有dvd drive,,得返d hdd既show左出黎,,,,點算 ?

我有兩個dvd drive的,,,頭先一開機就唔見哂,,,,

跟住我入device manager個到,,禁個drive既properties,,

佢話 "Windows successfully loaded the device driver for this hardware but cannot find the hardware device. (Code 41)"


跟住我本身個個daemon tools, 整出黎個個drive都冇在我的電腦show出黎,,,,


回答 (2)

2010-02-11 7:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
程式集----附屬應用程式----系統工具-----系統還原,還原到前 個禮拜,唔得就要洗機,睇你個款中毒或者中駭客程式
2010-02-11 7:06 pm

Start by installing the newest Windows NT4/2000/XP Standard ASPI Layer
drivers from Adaptec (version 4.71 is current as of this writing).

Direct download [534 KB, free].

Make sure to use the INSTALL.BAT file provided with the package to copy
ONLY the appropriate drivers for these Win32 OSes: ASPI32.SYS (in
%systemroot%\System32\Drivers) + WNASPI32.DLL (in

Open Windows Explorer and delete (if present) WOWPOST.EXE + WINASPI.DLL from %systemroot%\System.

Reboot when done.

Run ASPICHK.EXE (also included in the ASPI v4.71 package) to make sure you have properly upgraded to v4.71.

Now copy & paste text between lines below into Notepad and save
this as a .REG file [name doesn't matter, only the extension does :)]:

-----Begin cut & paste here-----

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Aspi32]




[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Aspi32\Parameters]


------End cut & paste here------

Finally, double-click on the REG file in Windows Explorer.

Reboot one more time.


NOTE: If still having problems using your Roxio recording software,
replace 2 with 1 on the "Start" line above, and then merge (run) the
modified .REG file into your Registry one more time.

Roxio CD software is more trouble than it is worth. Use Nero in the
future and you will not suffer from any of the bugs that Roxio can
throw, all of which cripple your PC badly.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 22:03:03
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