how bad is the weather in DC now?

2010-02-10 2:46 pm
Can someone tell me? I need to make a decision whether I should go to DC today.

My interview is actually tomorrow!


Thanks all. I have postponed my interview. The people at the school have a hard time to get around as well.

回答 (6)

2010-02-10 3:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
DC is under a blizzard warning. It is snowing heavily with wind gusts up to 40 mph. Nothing is open, the weather is bad enough that snow plows cannot even be sent out safely so they are not currently plowing anything and people are being told to stay off the streets.

I can't imagine that even if you got here whoever you are supposed to be interviewing with will be able to get there to meet you.
2010-02-10 4:17 pm
Jessica is correct. This is as bad a storm as I can remember. Virtually everything is closed. The storm isn't supposed to end until tonight.

Even if you get to DC, unless the location you arrive at and are heading to are connected by underground Metrorail station (which is the only transportation operating), you'll end up stuck. No Metro buses. No above ground Metrorail stations. Few taxis. Dangerous to try walking more than a couple of blocks.

As I suggested to your earlier post, have you tried contacting whomever you are supposed to be interviewed by? I feel sure that your interview has been postponed. If you can't get through to them, that means that they are at home, and the office is closed.
2010-02-10 3:31 pm
I can't see the house across the street from me.
2010-02-10 3:24 pm
The wind is starting to pick up. I would come to DC after the wind and snow has died down a bit. Come tomorrow.
2010-02-11 12:19 am
i live in Montgomery county MD which is close to DC and it's pretty bad. people are stuck @ home
2010-02-10 4:39 pm
D.C. for what? Stay at home. We're having a blizzard and the people here don't know how to plow the roads.

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