parts of speech

2010-02-11 7:30 am
我想問的是關於parts of speech
我想背所有的parts of speech
但是我只是找到一些parts of speech的字典
沒有找到所有的parts of speech

回答 (3)

2010-02-11 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are 10 main parts of speech. They are as below:
1. Nouns (n), e.g. doctor, happiness, Hong Kong, China
2. Verbs (v), e.g. be, go, see, watch, eat
3. Articles (art), e.g. a, an, the
4. Pronouns (pron), e.g. I, he, she, it, you, they, yours, hers, theirs, mine, who, whose, whom, themselves, myself
5. Adjectives (adj), e.g. big, black, tall, old, my, his, her, their, boring, exciting, beautiful
6. Adverbs (adv), e.g. fortunately, surprisingly, rather, clearly, easily, beautifully, quickly
7. Prepositions (prep), e.g. at, at the front of, of, in, on, over, to the right of, under, into
8. Connectives (con), e.g. and, although, because, but, as, if, so, so that, since
9. Demonstratives (dem), e.g. this, these, that, those
10. Interjections (int), e.g. Whoops! Hey! Phew!
2010-02-11 8:31 am

2010-02-11 7:47 am

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