
2010-02-11 1:59 am

回答 (1)

2010-02-11 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案

Induction oven (電磁爐) utilizes a frequency of about 20~27 kHz in its heating element for cooking (notice that 50 Hz is only the power line frequency and is NOT the frequency used for induction heating).

The magnetic field so generated would largely be concentrated at the utensiles, which are made of ferromagnetic alloys and have high permeability to magnetic fields. The field strength falls off rapidly with distance away from the induction oven. At a distance of 30 cm (~1 foot) away, the magnetic field from the oven almost diminishes to zero.

Because human body is not ferromagnetic (with low permeability), unless a person stays over a long period of time at close distance (almost in contact) with the induction oven, the hazard from the magnetic field generated by an induction oven is minimal.

You may refer to the web-page below for more information:


[The above answer is taken from my previous one to a similar question:]


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