
2010-02-10 10:27 pm

回答 (5)

2010-02-10 10:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案

如果只有A, B 兩班,你可以用 another class.如果多過兩班,你就應該直接講邊一班,例如 Class A, Class C, 否則人地唔知你講邊班的。

我認為唔適宜用 next class, 因為 這只是下一班咁解,有次序的,除非你地一班班人排緊隊等緊啲咩.

The class next door 就係真係隔離課室果一班,而且應該係 The class at next door.

2010-02-20 23:53:33 補充:
Re: laipozat

The dictionary meaning of ADJACENT is next to, which conveys the same meaning as the word NEXT. It is an adjective and is usually used with the prepopsition TO, e.g. They lived in a house adjacent to the railway.

(to be cont'd)

2010-02-20 23:54:11 補充:

It can also be used to modify a noun but the noun must be in plural form. e.g. They work in adjacent buildings.

Ref: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp?key=1026&dict=CALD
2010-02-11 8:53 am


2010-02-11 6:28 am
Hi Michael (004), I do not really agree with that.

In fact there exists a term namely

[ adjacent class ]

which has the exact meaning of 隔離班

Please let me know if I am wrong.

Thanks ~
2010-02-10 10:41 pm
the class next door
2010-02-10 10:40 pm
the next class
the next class
the next class

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