Is it snowing NOW at DC?

2010-02-09 11:19 pm
Can someone tell me? My bus from NYC to DC has been cancelled. Cheap bus. I'm gonna try Greyhound. This is killing me. I have a school interview on THURSDAY. why this has to happen right now?

回答 (4)

2010-02-10 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's 7:05pm, and the snow is coming down and is sticking.

Are you sure that your interview is going to be held tomorrow? I doubt that it will be, given the amount of snow we're expecting. I personally wouldn't get on the bus without a confirmation that the interview will be held.

I know you've been posting several notes, and have a right to be concerned, but have you tried to confirm that the interview was going to be held, no matter what the weather?
2010-02-10 4:15 am
yea, it's a lot of snow. most likely, ur interview is gonna be cancelled. go call them and find out
2010-02-10 2:22 am
A lot of collages around here have canceled in the last few days. I'm a junior and had a "practice" interview at AU on Monday... which got canceled. Tomorrow we're supposed to get like 6 more inches on top of this standing two feet... so I'd check the website? IDK. I bus up to NYC a lot though and I've used Vamoose, Grayhound, Bolt, and the Fungwah. I'd check those?
2010-02-09 11:30 pm
yes it is, at least 2 feet and we're getting more snow tonight :)

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