It is/ be/ was/ were because?

2010-02-10 2:51 am
If you were her father, would you help her? Why?

Yes, if I were her father, I would help her. It is/ be/ was/ were because she were my precious child.

以上句子應該用哪個呢,is/ be/ was/ were?請解釋原因。


回答者:[email protected] 「第一,你開頭的句子中「If you were her father」已經錯了,這裡應該用 was 而非 were。 第二,你問的問題的答案是 was,因為你不是她的父親。 第三,because she were...應用 was。」


不懂的不要亂答。 第一,你這麼說即是you用was?我還是第一次聽。 第二,你解釋得不詳細,我也知道我不是她的父親,那為什麼不用were或be?而且我想問的就正是「這裡只是解釋原因,應不應該用subjunctive mood?tense又應怎配合?」。 第三,she were是錯?為什麼你不說I were是錯?同樣都是與事實相反。


回答者:wowovr2 「is,因為你根本係佢老豆,係事實,同埋我上面個個有D野錯咗,如果一D野係沒可能發生係要用were HENRY,你自相矛盾,因為如果係沒可能發生先用were,如果係真嘅話,唔會用were」 我是她老爸?你有沒有看清楚? 很明顯地是假設,不是事實!

回答 (5)

2010-02-10 10:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
就針對問題而言,只可以選it is because。
Yes, if I were her father, I would help her. It is/ be/ was/ were because she were my precious child.
以上所有underline的部份為past tense,因為均帶有假設性成份。
至於句中的it xxxx because,是要introduce an explanation of cause and effect,並沒有任何「假設性」。所以寫成it is because。

此外,在中文我們常有這樣的句子結構:「我做出了xxx的決定 - 因為,xxxx(原因)」。反觀英文則不常常這樣表達,不因為這樣說不對,而是這樣的句子結構在英文來說不甚「成熟」(多年前hkslot的英文老師曾這樣說)。就以上句子而言,只需說「…because…」也就足夠了(正如發問者所言):
Yes, if I were her father, I would help her just because she was so precious to me. (NOT “she were”)

另外,It is because亦較為常見於一句statement之開始:
It is because your ego was hurted.
It is because he no longer fears.
It is because workers today produce far more than those in the past.

2010-02-11 15:02:46 補充:
according to henry's further question 少許補充:
she was so precious to me. (NOT “she were”) <---
應該說 she was so precious to me 與 she were so precious to me 同樣正確.

2010-02-11 15:03:07 補充:
"was" and "were" both suggest the subjeutive mood in old-school english.
But you can use "were" to denote its HYPOTHETICAL nature, as what this link explains.

Thanks for your question.

2010-02-11 15:04:41 補充:
subjunctive mood <-- :)
參考: hkslot
2010-02-10 8:43 am
沒有 it be.
IT WAS係過去式,不合理,用來強調過去?
IT WERE不應用假設語吧
我會用IT IS

同埋個SHE WERE MY precious child.

我個人覺得都應用翻SHE IS因為後面成句都係講個人意見或原因。

2010-02-10 6:45 am
If you were her father, would you help her? Why?

Yes, if I were her father, I would help her. It is because she would be my precious child.


If I were her father.......
This is talking about something now. So one should use (It is because....)

I think using (would be) is better. The reason is as follows:
If I were her father, she would be my precious child.

You do not say:
If I were her father, she were my precious child.
2010-02-10 3:51 am

2010-02-09 19:52:41 補充:
2010-02-10 3:03 am
第一,你開頭的句子中「If you were her father」已經錯了,這裡應該用 was 而非 were。

第二,你問的問題的答案是 was,因為你不是她的父親。

第三,because she were...應用 was。

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