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不是,如果是Palm xxx processor 才會和Palm OS有點關系,但processor不等于OS(就像P4不等于windows)。Palm processor是一種微處理器(下面我從wiki抄的)。Pocket PC是指行WM OS的掌上電腦。IBM referred to PALM as a microprocessor, though they used that term to mean a processor that executes microcode to implement a higher-level instruction set, rather than its conventional definition of a complete processor on a single silicon integrated circuit. The PALM processor was an entire circuit board containing 13 square metal-can bipolar gate arrays, 3 conventional DIP transistor-transistor logic (TTL) parts and 1 round metal can part.
PALM has a 16-bit data bus, with two additional bits used for parity. PALM can directly address 64 kB (64 KiB) of memory. The IBM 5100 could be configured with up to 64+ kB (apl+basic roms make 64+ kB) of Executable ROS (ROM) and up to 64 kB of RAM. A simple bank switching scheme was used to extend the address space.