Grammar question

2010-02-08 8:48 pm
What is the difference between:

1) The student does not meet the entry requirement
2) The studnet did not meet the entry requirement

Which sentence is correct??

Thank you.

回答 (4)

2010-02-08 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My view is as follows:

The grammar of Sentence 1 is correct.

For Sentence 2, the spelling should be “student”.

The main difference is the use of tenses in the sentences. Sentence 1 has used present tense which means the student does not have the qualifications to be admitted into the school at present. If you use Sentence 2 with the spelling of “student” corrected, it means it is a fact in the past that the student was not qualified to be admitted. Whether the student can meet the requirement now is unknown.

Therefore, you could use the sentences in different situations to express different meanings.
參考: My View
2010-02-13 8:47 pm
Both Michael and Marshmallow are correct. It depends on your context! (though IMHO I think situation 2 is more common)
2010-02-09 8:56 am

2010-02-08 9:16 pm
Both are correct! The 1st sentence uses present tense while the 2nd one is in past tense. It depends on your context to decide which one to use.

Please give more details.

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