Is the snow melting now at DC?

2010-02-08 4:31 am
Is the snow melting now at DC? I'm going down to DC this wednesday, and I'm a little worried.

回答 (5)

2010-02-08 11:47 am
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No it's not. In fact, the cold will just freeze the snow and cause ice on the roads. On top of that, more snow is on the way for Tuesday. Good luck making your way over here and be careful during your visit.
2010-02-08 11:59 pm
Nope. It's been plowed, but Metro is still only offering very limited service. And there's more on the way later this week. Yikes!
2010-02-08 2:42 pm
nope. It's also supposed to snow more tuesday night, so you might not even be able to get here if you're flying. many people don't have power, and most schools are closed until at least tuesday, if not longer. It will be probably be at least a week before even a half foot of snow melts, it was 7 degrees outside my house last night (i live in potomac).
2010-02-10 1:03 pm
Oh noo!
My front yard is a long hill now and it is a playground!
You can crawl on the snow without falling in!
Nobody in my neighborhood has yet got cabin fever!
2010-02-08 8:48 pm
As the previous answers state, it's not melting to any great extent--the temperature is too cold.

However, the plows and shovels have been at work, and the main streets are open to traffic. Metro should get back to full operation by Tuesday. The Smithsonian is closed today (Monday) but should reopen tomorrow.

By Wednesday, pretty much everything should be open again, and it will be possible to tour the city without too many problems. Just wear heavy footwear and try to stay to the shoveled areas as much as possible. The snow we're expecting Tuesday should only add a few inches at most--a minor change to what is already on the ground.

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